German words to Lutheran Doxology
(too old to reply)
2018-01-04 19:04:28 UTC
I hope this is not too far off-topic. I am looking for the
German-language version of the Lutheran Doxology (Praise God from
Whom all blessings flow, praise him all creatures here below. Praise
Him above Ye, Heavenly Host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Amen.) I tried using the Internet translation services and the
results were laughable (Heavenly Host came out Central Processor!).
Can anyone help?
Thanks for reading,
This is many years after your inquiry, in case you or anyone else is looking, here are the words for the Doxology in German:

Preist Gott, von dem all Segen fliest!
Preist ihn, was hier auf Erden ist!
Ihr Engel auch im Himmel, (preist)
den Vater, Sohn und Heilgen Geist!
2020-05-06 12:06:54 UTC
I hope this is not too far off-topic. I am looking for the
German-language version of the Lutheran Doxology (Praise God from
Whom all blessings flow, praise him all creatures here below. Praise
Him above Ye, Heavenly Host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Amen.) I tried using the Internet translation services and the
results were laughable (Heavenly Host came out Central Processor!).
Can anyone help?
Thanks for reading,
Hi Anita,
The German title is "Preist Gott, von dem all Segen fliesst" 

Preist Gott von dem all Segen fliesst! Preist ihn was hier auf Erden ist! Ihr Engel auch im Himmel, preist den Vater, Sohn und Heiligen Geist.

According to this link (page 13) it is from Gesangbuch, Nr. 156 of the Genfer Psalter, which is originally french.


Hope that helps.
Paul Welk
2023-04-15 17:13:51 UTC
Post by h***@gmail.com
I hope this is not too far off-topic. I am looking for the
German-language version of the Lutheran Doxology (Praise God from
Whom all blessings flow, praise him all creatures here below. Praise
Him above Ye, Heavenly Host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Amen.) I tried using the Internet translation services and the
results were laughable (Heavenly Host came out Central Processor!).
Can anyone help?
Thanks for reading,
Preist Gott, von dem all Segen fliest!
Preist ihn, was hier auf Erden ist!
Ihr Engel auch im Himmel, (preist)
den Vater, Sohn und Heilgen Geist!
Hi All,
I too was looking for a German version of "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow ..."
But I did not find any that I liked, so I made up my own.
Here it is:
Lobt Gott den dreieinigen Geist!
Lobt Gott den Vater und den Sohn!
Lobt Gott den Schöpfer aller Ding’!
Lobt Gott den Heiland aller Leut’!
More of my stuff: https://paulwelk.wordpress.com/music/
